Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sometimes Teacher Knows Best

At this new place I go to for morning Mysore classes, I've been given so many poses that I've now completed the entire Primary series. Whilst I am excited to get them, it also meant my practice is now much longer and more tiring. Initially, I was a bit hesitant about moving past Navasana. That's because my mind was all geared up towards Marichyasana D. I still can't bind on my own yet, but with help, I could bind.

Now, my mind has to expand towards learning new asanas. It is mentally quite tiring! One day, after trying Garbha Pindasana, teacher asked me to jump back whilst still in lotus. I looked up as if she was crazy. She just smiled and told me not to think so much and just do it. So I did it - I think I fell on my face a little but the legs somehow managed to shoot out back. Wow. Even though I collapsed in a heap at the end of it, I was exhilarated. After that, my belief that I could do it became stronger. This is now where I got to :

Thank you, thank you for believing in me. (Though, my nose is now a bit flatter from all the efforts in Bhujapidasana and this new transition!)

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