Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Pulau Redang

Had a yoga free week last week. Partly due to watching the World Cup, but mostly because I took the family to Pulau Redang for a short holiday. I must add Berjaya does a great holiday package to its resort in Redang. First, Berjaya Air leaves from Subang airport, which is great because of its proximity to our house - took us 20 minutes to the airport. Flight leaves at 8am. After a 10 minute check in, we have choices of places for breakfast at this fabulously renovated Subang airport.

Flight to Redang took slightly less than an hour on this plane.

And then a short 10 minute bus ride to the resort. We were literally in our room by 9.45am. And we have the whole day to do as we please. No waiting - just wake up, left the house at 6.40am, and unpacked at the resort before 10am.

On the last day, flight time is 3.30pm. Bus leaves resort at 2.30pm, so we still have the whole morning to swim or snorkel before checking out. We were home just after 5pm. Logistically, it worked out so well.

The beach at the Resort has white sands and clear water. There are some corals near the beach with a floating pontoon nearby. We had a great time snorkelling to the pontoon. Equipped with a bottle of fish food, it was simply magic to see so many fishes up close. It would have been great to have an underwater camera.

Caught sight of a huge turtle at Turtle Bay. When it raise its head from the sea water, it really has the look of a Loch Ness Monster. I was hesitant to snorkel to where it was. Oh, and the sound your own breath while snorkelling is so similar to ujjayi breathing.

Whilst the holiday has work out so well for us, alas the World Cup has not work out as well for England. This picture sums out the status of the England team.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Make Your Car A No Phone Zone

The Oprah Show. I, for one, would change to another channel should her show be on. It’s not that I dislike her show. I just feel she gets really personal to the point of intrusive. And then, all done in a concerned sounding tone.

But this time, the in law’s were watching the Oprah Show in their house. As I’m the outlaw out numbered, I sat through the show. This time it was on texting while driving. Much as I hate to admit it, Oprah did manage to get the point across in a very compelling manner. Texting is definitely not the thing to do when driving. She came up with stories of families lost in texting related accidents, focused on victims’ families and on the culprits themselves. Aiyo, even I was drawn to the stories. Partly, I must add, out of guilt. I too am guilty of texting and talking on the phone while driving. Just that very day, I was texting during my drive to my in law’s.

If we have managed to cope without mobile phones before, we should be able to cope with completing our journey without the use of mobile phone. One way, I guess, is to put the mobile on silent mode beforehand. Take the temptation away. The other is to only pick up the phone when the car is stationary.

I’m still prone to picking up the phone during driving; but this is something I must really change. And I hope those reading will also not text the next time they drive.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Morning Mysore with M

It was one of those practice, when you are still sweating as you are lying down in Savasana. The studio was packed and it has an international feel to it. Portuguese teacher, a couple of Caucasians, a couple of Latin looking students and, of course, Malaysians. Even the gender is quite mix - 40% male, 60% female (of course 60% female, some would say, but you got to add a category for shemales).

I was one of the later students; so the studio had already generated a lot of heat when I lay my mat down. To give an indication of how hot, I’ve already noticed beads of sweat on my forearms when I raised my arms up during my second sun salutation A.

My normal Mysore practice normally ends either after Marichyasana D or after Bhujapidasana. However today M asked me to do until Upavishtha Konasana. I went to my furthest today during Supta Kurmasana. M managed to bind my hands and even sat on me while he was adjusting my legs. I naturally felt some fear. But somehow, although things felt strange and intense, it did not feel uncomfortable.

All in all, a great practice. So I was glad when I heard that M is extending his stay by another week. So his last class will be on June 19. Last Saturday, he conducted a led class. His counts were very even (minus the times he adjusted someone, during which counts do not exist - counts only resumed after adjustments!).

Well, world cup begins this Friday. Have to see if this will affect my practice. I’m partial towards England - well, the English Premier League is popular in Malaysia so we can all identify with the players. But I’m having serious doubts of how far they can go because Rio Ferdinand is out due to injury. Already, the defence is not at their strongest when Wayne Bridge refused to play because of the idiot John Terry. (Why pick on your team mate’s girl?)

One MONTH of football to look forward to!

And, last but not least, congratulations to G and I on their marriage!