Thursday, November 5, 2009


Is one of the asanas that I'm working on. This is how it should look like. Of course, mine looks nothing like that. This is a clip of how I fare this morning:

I've had another go at it.

I'm working on jumping straight in. Maybe the flexibility is preventing me. Maybe I'm just not sure how to go about it. You can also see my difficulty in getting the chin on the mat. There's this fear I have of falling on my chin. I've squished my nose a few times. My weight either gets too far forward or too far back. Anyway, it's a work in progress, along with a whole lot of other asanas. But it's fun trying to get there.


  1. You are just being too modest! I have seen your jumpthroughs and your bandha engagements are amazing and far better than many teachers I know (yours truly included). I am sure your Bhujapidasana is just fine.

    Hope to practice Bhujapidasana with you at BE Yoga anytime soon! (We have two Ashtanga Led classes every week now - Thursday, 6.30pm and Sunday, 9am).

    Peace and light.

  2. Hi Ninie. Thanks for your comments! I was just thinking of going to Ashtanga Led at Be Yoga this Thursday - now that the kids' exams are over!

    Hope to see you there. Your presence has so much positive energy!

  3. Try rotating your femurs externally. Instead of having the knees pointing forward, as if you were jumping into Bakasana, get them to point out to the sides. I always think of a crab claw - weird analogy, I know, but it helps me.

  4. Thanks, V! Tried that this morning and managed to get my feet in front of the hands. The crab claw visual is great!
