Thursday, January 6, 2011

The New Year

It usually takes the start of something to remember to continue doing what had been neglected. Well, happy new year and all that; and here is some ashtanga news for the month to start this blog going again.

Dear Ashtanga Students

Damien de Bastier will be in KL to teach for 11 days next week. Damien has been based recently in Bali. For more info on him, see

Tuesday 11th to Friday 21st January 2011

6 am – 9.30 am

4th Floor, Poolside Studio, Westin Hotel KL

Drop-in: RM60 or RM240 for 6 classes

Parking available free for first 2 hrs at hotel carpark. Get your ticket endorsed at Gym, then take it to Reception (ground floor) for stamping.

All classes are Mysore-style self-practice.

We look forward to seeing you at our shala!

For more information, email

Ashtanga KL

Actually I was going to restart the blog with a bang, explanations of the absence and followed by step by step journal-like entries on my road to recovery. That all seemed too daunting to start, and the longer I procrastinated, the more interesting the post needed to be. Finally, the new year is here and, heck with it being interesting, I’m just going to plunge right in.

So, I tore my knee ligaments in October. As a skiing holiday was already planned for the family in December, I began the mad rush to rehab the knee and get it ready for the trip. So, basically, very little yoga - in part due to some annoying yoga related comments.

The one that comes to mind is that of going to the gym goes the opposite to where yoga leads to. Huh?? According to this fellow, yoga is all about surrendering whilst lifting weights is all about showing off. I’m sorry but that is just bull to me. Not that I said it out loud. I think intention behind what one does, be it gym exercises or practicing asanas, is the real factor here. Surely some yoga practitioners show off, too, from time to time ie via pictures or videos (like me!) Anyway, whatever. Just a rant.

In short, rehab at the GYM got me through my skiing holiday. And no, I have not given up on yoga. I did practice on Monday and today (Thursday). Lost all Ardha Baddha (half lotus) poses on the injured side. Also lost Mari C. Did not try Mari D, of course. This journey back is going to be a hard lesson on non-attachment. And patience. And acceptance. And lots of mindful practice. And so begins the new year!


  1. Hi,

    Welcome back..sorry to hear about your injury..I am nursing a tennis elbow and have not been doing much practice too. Can't do binding so all the Marichyasanas are out and so are poses that might put pressure on the elbow. I am undergoing acupuncture treatment which is a slowing healing process. Like you said, it is going to be a hard journey of non-attachment (still want to go to the Ash classes even though I shouldn't), acceptance and letting go.

    Light & love,

  2. Happy new year, Karin! Hope you get better soon!

  3. Hello! Lilian here from yogalistic ( defunct/shifted). I am finally thinking of going to India and would like to get some advice from you before I head over there.Can I email you?

  4. Hi Lilian. Happy New Year. Sure, my email is earnchin(at)gmail(dot)com. Great to hear that you are planning a trip to India. Are u going to practice at KPJAYI?
