Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Backbends Progress

Practice has been going great. Sometimes it is not so regular (resting from mild injuries / discomfort, or from work, or just need a rest!), but in most cases, I'm averaging between 3 to 5 times a week practice.

Backbends - from my upward dog, one can see my hips are extremely tight. So, Urdhva Dhanurasana is definitely one of those asanas where I have to work hard on. First, here's a video taken during February 2009.

What I'm working on now is, in addition to the 3 UD, I would do 3 more - after a rest (and lots of mental psyching / faffing!), I would proceed with UD and then walk my feet in. I struggle with walking my hands in during UD, so the next UD is done with walking the hands in. Here's a video I took recently.

My body collapse when I walk my hands in. More work is needed on the hips, and bringing more weight to the front of the feet, and also keeping the thighs connected.

The last UD is done with walking the feet in again, focusing on standing more on the feet. Although when I look at the video, I hardly see any change!


  1. Hi daddy, I like the way you did the youtube video thingy it was like a before and after.

    (PS you look so strong AB could not do that :) )

  2. Hi Claire. Thank you for checking out my blog. By the way, your blog is looking really good (although I must admit to pausing the music player gadget each time I get on it!)

    I have more time to practice yoga than Aunty Beth (AB) does. It's all practice. Just like school work, the more practice you put in, the easier it gets! Sorry, I just have to slip that in. :-)
