Sunday, July 18, 2010

Empty Nest

Had a bit of a taste of what an empty nest felt like this weekend. Kids were spending the weekend at the in-law’s, whilst the better half is overseas on a work trip. Got restless with the house being so quiet and decided on Thai massage at this place near my home.

Was glad that there were pyjamas like clothes to change into for the massage, for it felt cold with the air cond blasting. Session started with me lying on my back with an eye bag placed over my eyes. While my masseuse went out to get further supplies, it was like being in Savasana. I was just reflecting on my response to the girl at the reception when she asked whether I wanted a hard or soft massage. Medium, my reply came out. The girl then translated my response to my masseuse. Medium .. How wishy washy could I be? I could have said hard, seeing the masseuse was quite petite.

Then, the massage started. O.M.G., is she strong! She was working on my legs with the elbow. Though I could not did not make any sound, tears were coming to my eyes. Boy, was the eye bag a heaven sent. Even the room did not feel cold anymore. In fact, I was even sweating a bit. If this is medium, I shudder to think what hard could be. And I did not have the girl at the reception around to translate my desired change of intensity.

Actually, at the end of it, I felt really relieved good. Parts of it was like having yoga adjustments. I will definitely be back for more. Next time, I’ll try medium soft.

Practice has been good. The studio that offers morning mysore classes now has four morning mysore classes a week, Mondays to Thursdays. This is really good for me. I’m now working on walking my hands in during Urdhva Dhanurasana. I find it easier to walk my feet in. Why is that? Anyway, have started walking my feet in to get a deeper bend. With my last UD, I'll start working on walking my hands in. Still a struggle, but at least it’s feeling looking more possible. Practice, practice.


  1. But I was not prepared for unplanned 'Mysore' this morning, went home after Manasa & did guided Second Series instead as I always have on Sunday mornings :)

    Hope to bump into you (probably walking on your hands on UD) again soon!

  2. Nice bumping into you, albeit too briefly. Yes, hope to see you in class again.

    Astro may have banned your Project Alpha segments; but I have watched all your segments on You Tube. Some inspiring demos there!
