Tuesday, May 25, 2010

It Finally Happened

My first successful Marichyasana D bind on my own this morning. Albeit on the right side only, but I am so so thrilled. Teacher was busy assisting someone at the other end of the room at that time. Did my usual attempt by getting my left arm past my right knee and slipped the left hand under the right foot. That normally constitutes my bind when I’m practicing on my own. Somehow today the left shoulder gave more movement towards the right knee and I thought, “what if I go for it”. Before I know it, the left elbow could hook around the right knee and then, through some frantic breathing, the fingers found each other, and I was BINDING!

If I were not in a class, I would have done a celebratory fist pump after the five breaths were up (they were very quick breaths). I even managed to do Baddha Padmasana, which lately has been more misses than hits.

Practice, practice and all is coming!


  1. Way to go! I lost mine for a little while with all the vinyasa krama stuff I was doing, came back the week before last YESSSS! so know the feeling (twice).

  2. Thanks, Grimmly! Wishing you good practices when you go to the Vinyasa Krama course.

  3. Congrats! Keep it up and soon you will also be able to bind the left side too!

  4. Thanks, Karin. The more I practice, the truer I find this famous adage - practice, practice and all is coming! Wishing you joyful practices!
