OK. So I'm a little late with the new year greetings. Better late than never, right? Except, being late probably does not give a good impression for this very new year. But, many good reasons for my absence and tardiness in blogging.
One of them is having a fantastic holiday in Whistler, Canada. Came back home to KL just before Christmas. So, it was rush, rush, rush to get ready for Christmas; busy, busy, busy from Christmas till new year; and then recovering, recovering, recovering from then on till today!

Back to the holiday - took the family skiing in
Whistler. My kids go to Chinese school; and if you have been to one or have children in Chinese school, then you will be aware of the modus operandi of the teachers - rule by FEAR! Well, not quite so extreme, but the teachers are known to raise their voices and the odd use of a ruler as punishment is not uncommon.

Hence the choice of Whistler. Whistler Kids have a fantastic kids program. I can go on forever on how good they are; but, long report short, the ski instructors are, first and foremost, great with kids and will always ensure a fun time for the kids.

Peak to Peak Gondola is now up and running. It links Whistler mountain to Blackcomb mountain. It is an absolute engineering marvel. As a result, both mountains are now so accessible - it's only an 11 minute ride. I normally stick to skiing on Whistler mountain; but because of this, I explored Blackcomb and had the best run ever. It was on a day after a snow dump the night before and we went on a run called Cloud 9. It was like floating on Cloud 9 (pun absolutely intended) - snow was so great. Good run to keep in mind if you are going there.

Apart from the skiing, Whistler Village is so well designed and run. Hats off, Intrawest! There is great food all around, it is easy to walk around and so many shops to browse through - Lululemon (!), Gap and the supermarket - wow! So many choices - very hard to be vegetarian - Canadian bacon is so yummy, the ham is delicious, the spinach leafs are so fresh, they stay crunchy even after 5 days!
Oh, and Whistler is hosting the
Winter Olympics this year. Be sure to watch it. The
mascots are so cute, even I can recite their names - Quatchi, Miga, Sumi and Muk Muk.
Ok, enough gushing. I'll end this post with this picture :