I was one of the later students; so the studio had already generated a lot of heat when I lay my mat down. To give an indication of how hot, I’ve already noticed beads of sweat on my forearms when I raised my arms up during my second sun salutation A.
My normal Mysore practice normally ends either after Marichyasana D or after Bhujapidasana. However today M asked me to do until Upavishtha Konasana. I went to my furthest today during Supta Kurmasana. M managed to bind my hands and even sat on me while he was adjusting my legs. I naturally felt some fear. But somehow, although things felt strange and intense, it did not feel uncomfortable.

All in all, a great practice. So I was glad when I heard that M is extending his stay by another week. So his last class will be on June 19. Last Saturday, he conducted a led class. His counts were very even (minus the times he adjusted someone, during which counts do not exist - counts only resumed after adjustments!).

Well, world cup begins this Friday. Have to see if this will affect my practice. I’m partial towards England - well, the English Premier League is popular in Malaysia so we can all identify with the players. But I’m having serious doubts of how far they can go because Rio Ferdinand is out due to injury. Already, the defence is not at their strongest when Wayne Bridge refused to play because of the idiot John Terry. (Why pick on your team mate’s girl?)
One MONTH of football to look forward to!
And, last but not least, congratulations to G and I on their marriage!

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