First they put us up at the most excellent Stein Eriksen Lodge. Just an example of the level of service there - you don't even need to put on your ski boots, they offer to put it on for you!

We were spoiled rotten! Our hosts have a dedicated team based in one of the suites and they are out of this world. They worked around the clock and yet they are the coolest, most poised people who can accommodate anything a guest needs - even someone like me, who is a guest of the invited guest, gets undivided attention.
First day was skiing at Deer Valley, followed by a film called the Shock Doctrine. The film was like a cinematic presentation of this book by Naomi Klein. Highlight for me was the Q & A with the directors, author and the presence of Robert Redford.

Robert Redford was so instrumental in the growth of Sundance Film Festival that its name was based on his character in the film, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. So, seeing him in the flesh made this trip extra special.
Second day, we saw two films, the Romantics and Twelve. By the way, Elijah Wood was on the same flight as me on the way to Utah; and he was in the Romantics. In person, he is so polite and well mannered. I wished I was brash enough to ask for a photo; maybe next time.
At the end of Twelve, the cast and the director went on stage to take Q & A. Joel Schumacher, who is the director, was most excellent and funny as the moderator of the Q & A. Famous actors on stage were Chace Crawford, Emma Roberts and "50 Cent" (who we later saw close up in a restaurant).

Fabulous, fabulous trip. I can only wish and hope for more trips like this. If there is a benchmark of hosting events, our hosts have set the bar way way up there.
That's it for the trip. Before I sign off, happy new year to all Chinese!